"Fast Five", the 5th installment of the "The Fast And The Furious" series, kicks right off where the last film ends and adds upon it so hard and so fast that it will leave you breathless. "Fast Five" is simply put, a non-stop, hard hitting, set-piece after set-piece thrill ride and is quite possibly THE BEST action film NOT made by a foreign film company in quite some time. And the big Vin Diesel vs Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson fight scene is one of the biggest and most brutal fight scenes to hit american movie screens ever. Not only is it easily the best film in the franchise, it's easily the best film so far this year! "Fast Five" is the best written of the series, has the best story, the best cast (with all the major players returning, p.s. WAIT FOR THE FINAL SCENE IN THE CREDITS), and without a doubt the best and MOST action out of any of the films. Not just the best "Fast & Furious" film, but one of the best action films you'll see in recent memory, PERIOD.
Score: 5/5
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